
Showing posts from May, 2021

Want to die with regrets or satisfaction?

Do you know how does a regret sounds? If No then let me tell you how does it sounds: “ Alas! I wish I had done that” “ I wish I could bring that moment back and change it!”  “ I wish I had told her that I loved her ” “ Only if I were given another chance I would have done it”  “ I wish I had applied for that job” Now there is this thing called satisfaction which is entirely opposite to regrets. This is how satisfaction looks like: “ I tried my best, I’ll try even harder next time” “ I shared my feelings with her, she rejected but I believe I will find a better match” “ I applied for that job and got rejected, I have high hopes that I will find a better job.” Now that you pretty much know how does a regret sounds and what satisfaction is, let me tell you about the people who die; if we categorize them on the base of their final thoughts you will have two types of people.  People who are going to die with regrets. People who are satisfied with the life they lived and have no regrets.  Th


Have you ever heard someone saying that this thing can change your life? And after listening that sentence you might be thinking that why do we even need to change? So let me tell you that change is the only factor in the universe which is eternal. Change is happening around us in small units but we do not really see it unless bit by bit it becomes a giant change. Now we cannot stop the change from happening but there is one thing which we can do and we must do it, that is to let the change happen in our desired direction.   What? Does it even possible? Yes, it is possible. Change is the part of everyone’s life and it is happening all the time. Even when I am writing this article thing are changing. I was sitting on the roof and the sun was about to set when I started writing this article and now at this very moment the Sun has gone where it daily goes. So, Sun was the environmental factor which was changing around me and this change in the State of Sun affect the environment. Like Aft